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About Us

Graham Alex Grey is a 24-year-old sports science student who enjoys drone photography, extreme ironing and spreading fake news on Facebook. He is kind and generous, but can also be very untrustworthy and a bit disloyal.

He is German who defines himself as gay. He is currently at college. studying sports science.

Physically, Graham is in pretty good shape. He is tall with dark chocolate skin, grey hair and green eyes. He has a mole on his right cheek.

He grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. He was raised by his mother, his father having left when he was young.

He is currently in a relationship with Amelie Derek Park. Amelie is 12 years older than him and works as a cleaner.

Graham’s best friend is a sports science student called Hugh Fleming. They are inseparable. He also hangs around with Andreas Leonard and Marie Barton. They enjoy relaxing together.